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School Improvement Council

State law requires that every K-12 public school in South Carolina convene an SIC. The law states that it is the responsibility of the local school board to ensure SICs are constituted within each district. The SIC must include parents, teachers, and community members.

Parents are nominated and elected by the parents at their child's school. Teachers are nominated and elected by the teachers at the school. Any parent who would like more information about how to become involved with School Improvement Council should contact the school principal at 803-684-2311.

2024-2025 Members of the YIS School Improvement Council

Tierney Norris - Teacher (Chairperson)
Sydney Field - Teacher (Secretary)
Quinn Witte - Parent
Julie Shillinglaw - Parent
Jeana Smith - Community Member (Vice-Chair)
Mary Ann Roberts - Community Member
Hannah Rescigno - Principal and Ex-Officio
Kellie Mondo -  Assistant Principal and Ex-Officio
Christopher Black-  Assistant Principal and Ex-Officio

2024-2025 Meetings

September 30, 8:00am - postponed.
October 28, 2024
          Agenda       Minutes

November 25, 2024
          Agenda       Minutes

January 27, 2025
          Agenda       Minutes

March 24, 8:00am
April 28, 8:00am




The purpose of the York Intermediate School Improvement Council is to:

  • Assist in the development, implementation and evaluation of the five-year school improvement plan (also known as the school renewal plan or strategic plan).
  • Assist in the preparation of yearly plan updates;
  • Write the annual Report to Parents, which provides information on the school’s progress in meeting school and district goals and objectives, due for distribution by April 30;
  • Prepare the annual 425-word narrative for the School Report Card, in conjunction with the principal;
  • Provide advice on the use of school incentive award expenditures (if allocated by the legislature and awarded to the school);
  • Participate in the revision of the School Improvement Plan if the school is rated unsatisfactory on the School Report Card;
  • Serve as liaison between the school, school organizations, the community and the local school board by collecting and disseminating pertinent information; and
  • Provide other assistance that the principal may request as well as carrying out any other duties prescribed by the local school board.

The council will not have the powers and duties reserved by law or regulation to the local school board.